Well my first A-Z challenge came and went and I made it to R. I think R. I don't exactly know what happened but I just fell off the cliff one night and I just climbed back up.
I think it was because mid terms were up and booming in my house and time just did not give me any space to blog...tears.....
Instead of being bummed I will be grateful that I made it a far as I did and look forward to the challenge next year and to finish it!! and to be more prepared.
My bigger regret is that I didn't get to visit as many blogs as I wanted too but I will now try to at least visit 2 a day. The problem with me is that I get into each one so like hours later I am still at ground zero. I need to spend time but move through them as well.
I love the blogging format and will continue to keep posting about the antics of my twins. Everyday there is something and I hope that at some point some other parent of any amount of kids will be able to say "Thank god someone else is going through it and I am not the only one!" good bad or ugly.
Thanks to everyone who came by and commented and followed!!! That is so cool that someone is interested in what I have to say!!!
Lov U bloggy friends!!! Hugs n kisses.
Stay tuned.
I hope to share my experience raising twins. The trials, tribulations, good times, bad times, hard times, and how life is when sleep is off the table. I have learned a lot and wish that I had someone who could have shared with me some of the things I hope to share with anyone who is interested. I will cover development issues, education, personality, relationships, how to love both differently at the same time, how to hear over the noise.
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Congratulations on participating A to Z! Visiting, Following & Inviting you to my blog. http://whenkateblogs.blogspot.com/ Looking forward to 2014