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Saturday, May 18, 2013

School Field Trip

The first school field trip came and went.  The week before the twins were SO excited.  Everyday they came home with the rules and regulations for both kids and parents including costs. 

This was the first field trip of all my kids  I have not attended and you can imagine how guilty I felt and still feel.  However, they tried to console me by saying "we don't want you to go anyway because we would have to hang out with you and not our groups."  Leave it to the yungun's to tell it like it is.  So, I did stay to take the pictures getting on the bus and all the havoc that ensues when a bunch of kindergartner's go anywhere. 

Did I tell you they were going to the zoo?  Not the big major zoo but a smaller zoo in a not so close by city.  For kids who have been to the big major zoo that is their measure of a zoo. 

I'm there to pick them up now after a glorious day of freedom and peace and quite.  So much so that I almost didn't know what to do with my time because in the back of my head I could hear this little voice saying you only have 5 hours, you only have 4 hours, you only have 2 hours left!!  It stifled me at times.  They were gone longer than they normally went to school so I had a taste of how first grade will be.  I still feel guilty though...wink.   As I see them approaching I can see they are a little tired and ready to go home.  The excitement they had before they went had definitely diminished.  As they are walking up to me they are revealing all of the issues like it was a lot of walking, there were not a lot animals, the bus took too long, and why didn't you go!

I just think it is too bad that schools now a days take very limited field trips anymore mainly because they don't have money to pay for the buses.  Field trips can be so enriching and support the lessons they are learning in their classes.

When they got home my house turned into a zoo once more.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


They turned five this year.  The twins that is.  Now they are old enough to play organized sports.  We thought GREAT!!!  we will sign them up for everything and they will be so exhausted and all that energy they have been taking out on us will now have a focus.  Kind of wrong.  They LOVE LOVE LOVE the sports but I think the only ones who are exhausted are us the over 40's.  They seem to get more and more energized as the days goes on and we seem to get more and more deflated as the day goes on.  What were we thinking.

Not to mention it is so expensive for kids now a days to play sports and get all the equipment to play even if it is just the basics.  

We been down this road twice already with the older two kids.  One of which, my girl, played a sport that took her around the country.  We got to travel to exotic cities next to big cities to watch her play ball and go places and see the country in ways we never would have if she hadn't played.

Now we are starting all over again but this time I have to say we are pros.  We know the pitfalls, the drama, and the good things.  So we won't be so naive as before. We will avoid the mess and stick with the good.  AND avoid the snack bars which we have had our share and everyone else's share of chili cheese nachos.  So we are able to sit back a bit and enjoy it more than we did with the first kids.

They started out with soccer.  Great sport for them we just need to play more of it.

We then went to basketball which ended up being really fun.  I had no idea what to expect for this one because my other kids never really played basketball.  I envisioned a bunch of five year old's looking cute learning how to dribble and cute stuff.  Well I was wrong they were killers on the court and played like little men.  I couldn't believe how good they all were.  They were skilled beyond my wildest imagination, physical, and driven.  It was amazing!  The refs didn't call traveling too much or too fast unless the kid just picked up the ball and ran down the court they did give us a break on that. I guess they will get that skill in time.  The boys fell in love with basketball and could play it all day.  It was great for both and the one who takes a little longer to get it GOT IT and was making 3's by mid season.  It was a win for him.

Now we are in baseball and they went strait to Shetlands. I guess we missed T-ball but I am kind of glad because that would have been way to slow paced for them.  After coming off soccer and basketball where they were constantly moving to baseball where you sit and wait it has been a learning curve in patience.  As the season progresses they are liking it more and getting much better each time.

Soon, they will play a summer PAL league basketball and swim lessons which they have been able to do for the last couple years, then soccer starts at the end of the summer.  It never stops.

We have had a dilemma about football.  Should we or shouldn't we?  The problem we have is one is over 100 pounds a bit.  Of course he is a D-line kinda guy but there are weight limits and only two league about 20 minute away have flag football division without a weight limit and the park right behind my house has a weight limit.  The reason I really wanted to them to do football is for the conditioning and exercise especially for my big guy but the logistics and costs are not pluses for this sport.  I know they would love it but I don't want to put one and not the other.  So no football this year.

I must say though that husky kids need options too and I think there are plenty of husky kids that would benefit from the conditioning and exercise football allows playing flag not tackle and these leagues should have a division for these kids too.  They would make a ton of money.

I don't know how long we can keep up multiple sports but as long as they are having fun and happy and exercising and eventually falling asleep we are good.


Well my first A-Z challenge came and went and I made it to R.  I think R.  I don't exactly know what happened but I just fell off the cliff one night and I just climbed back up. 

I think it was because mid terms were up and booming in my house and time just did not give me any space to blog...tears.....

Instead of being bummed I will be grateful that I made it a far as I did and look forward to the challenge next year and to finish it!!  and to be more prepared. 

My bigger regret is that I didn't get to visit as many blogs as I wanted too but I will now try to at least visit 2 a day.  The problem with me is that I get into each one so like hours later I am still at ground zero.  I need to spend time but move through them as well.

I love the blogging format and will continue to keep posting about the antics of my twins.  Everyday there is something and I hope that at some point some other parent of any amount of kids will be able to say "Thank god someone else is going through it and I am not the only one!" good bad or ugly.

Thanks to everyone who came by and commented and followed!!!  That is so cool that someone is interested in what I have to say!!!  

Lov U bloggy friends!!! Hugs n kisses.

Stay tuned.